Navigating the Metaverse and AI with Yoav Shapira
Deep Takes Not FakesAugust 30, 2023
32:4130.17 MB

Navigating the Metaverse and AI with Yoav Shapira

Join Dave Castellani and Adam Granoff in an exhilarating episode as they journey into the awe-inspiring realms of the metaverse and artificial intelligence. With the brilliant Yoav Shapira from Meta as their guide, they unravel the future of interconnected virtual universes and the groundbreaking role of AI. Yoav is a serial entrepreneur, advisor, and investor with a strong background in technology startups and product development. He has been involved in various successful startups and played essential roles in companies like CarGurus, HubSpot, Instagram, and currently, Meta (formerly known as Facebook), where he serves as the Director of Engineering. In today’s episode, we dive into what the metaverse actually is, how the virtual landscape will evolve, and the different applications of the metaverse in a business context. We also discuss the technical and engineering challenges of the metaverse, why hardware and software are equally important, the limitations of AI and the metaverse, how businesses can leverage the tech revolution, and much more! Tune in to immerse yourself in a fascinating conversation that unveils the limitless possibilities of innovation and will ensure you stay at the forefront of the metaverse and AI revolution with Yoav Shapira!


Key Points From This Episode:

  • A brief background on Yoav and his passion for endurance sports.

  • Why he finds endurance sports so appealing and gratifying.

  • Unpacking the definition of the metaverse and what to expect in the future.

  • What Meta hopes to achieve with the metaverse.

  • Meta’s approach to work ethic, work structure, and working remotely. 

  • An outline of the business and collaborative applications of the metaverse.

  • Challenges of tricking the mind into making the metaverse seem real.

  • How companies should be approaching the metaverse and AI.

  • Insights into the practicality of LLMs and AI for software engineering.

  • Ways technology has altered standard business practices and strategies.

  • Tips for staying current in today’s ever-evolving technology landscape!


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Yoav Shapira

Yoav Shapira on LinkedIn

Yoav Shapira on Instagram

Yoav Shapira on X


Meta Careers

David Goggins

John Carmack on X

Lama AI

GitHub Copilot

Adam Granoff on LinkedIn

Dave Castellani on LinkedIn

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